Kid Central is open 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. We are closed for a few holidays (dates can be found in our Parent Handbook which you will receive when you enroll); please make sure you mark them on your calendar!
Kid Central encourages free play throughout the day. Staff design the children's play space to encourage social and emotional growth as well as offer many opportunities for children to naturally learn colors, numbers, letters and more! Kid Central is a Play Based program; this means that we focus on the importance of learning through play...all day, every day. The following schedule is just a very general guideline.
As children arrive they have opportunities to read with teachers, explore the art center, play with play dough, engage in our sensory table, use some of the building materials or other tasks available in our front room.
Children are offered a nutritious breakfast where conversations and plans for the day can be made. Kid Central is part of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP; This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer).
Children are given the opportunity to learn and practice big body play (gross motor skills) such as running, jumping, climbing, digging and balancing. Dramatic play, ball play and art activities are also available outside.
Also during this time, children are free to explore any of the well prepared activities set up both inside and outside. Choices include dramatic play, blocks and building, art, math and science manipulatives, music, sensory tables, and reading/language activities.
All above activities are available at any point during the day! This helps the children to share and cooperate as well as allowing them the most time possible with their favorite item
At lunch, children practice self help skills by setting the table, passing and serving their own food, pouring their own milk and cleaning up their dishes when finished. Family Style dining is practiced at Kid Central; this allows children the opportunity to sit together as a group, along with their teachers. Teachers model proper manners and meal times are generally stress free, for both the children and the adults. Kid Central also follows the Division of Responsibility in Feeding.
Children are encouraged to use the bathroom, get diapers checked (and changed) and are taught the importance of good hand washing and tooth brushing techniques.
Children rest on individual cots while listening to relaxing music or a story. Children are not required to fall asleep; if a child does not sleep, they are able to play quietly in another room after 30 minutes of quiet rest. We ask that parents provide a blanket and lovey that remains at school. We will wash all blankets at the end of the week or you are welcome to take it home and return it the following week.
Snack is offered daily after nap. Snack consists of at least two components (grain and dairy, fruit and grain, vegetable and protein, etc.) Snack time is great for birthday treats too! This is another opportunity for children to socialize and gain or refine lifelong skills.
Children are given another opportunity to explore all the above activities! In the warmer months we offer water play, mostly during this time of the day, so you may occasionally have a dripping child to take home!
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